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MEEOM® MEE N3195-VIII, the Novel Oral Sleep Management Cellular Nutrition Solution
Can't sleep? Want to fall asleep quickly and naturally?
眠れない? 早く自然に眠りたいですか?

According to a study done by the RAND organisation, of five out of the 34 member nations of the OECD, the USA is "number 1" with the highest economic losses (up to $411 billion a year), while Japan comes in at second Japan (up to $138 billion a year). Germany and the UK both incur similar losses, of between $50-60 billion, and Canada manages to keep its financial losses from sleep deprivation to under 22$ billion.


Another study, which was conducted in Australia and published in the journal Sleep, estimated both the financial and non-financial costs of sleep in the land down under, using data derived from national surveys and databases between 2016 and 2017. While the financial costs were associated with health care (both formal and informal), productivity loss, as well as vehicular and other accidental costs, the non-financial costs were a loss of well-being. As per the study's conclusions, Australia incurs a loss of a little more than $45 billion a year.


We sought to determine which facets of sleep neurophysiology were most strongly linked to cognitive performance in 3,819 older adults from two independent cohorts, using whole-night electroencephalography. From over 150 objective sleep metrics, we identified 23 that predicted cognitive performance, and processing speed in particular, with effects that were broadly independent of gross changes in sleep quality and quantity. These metrics included rapid eye movement duration, features of the electroencephalography power spectra derived from multivariate analysis, and spindle and slow oscillation morphology and coupling. These metrics were further embedded within broader associative networks linking sleep with aging and cardiometabolic disease: individuals who, compared with similarly aged peers, had better cognitive performance tended to have profiles of sleep metrics more often seen in younger, healthier individuals. Taken together, our results point to multiple facets of sleep neurophysiology that track coherently with underlying, age-dependent determinants of cognitive and physical health trajectories in older adults.


Now, we ask you one question. Do you toss and turn all night rather than sleep and dream? Do you struggle to drop off no matter how tired you get? Or are you waking up in the early hours, lying awake and anxiously watching the clock?


If so, you're not alone. Insomnia is a very common problem that drains your energy and affects your mood and your ability to function during the day. Chronic insomnia can even lead to serious health problems. However, you do not have put up with sleepless nights or rely on sleeping medications. We can help you to break the cycle of insomnia.


寝て夢を見るのではなく、一晩中寝返りをしますか? どんなに疲れても降りるのに苦労していませんか? それとも、早朝に目を覚まし、目を覚まして横になり、心配そうに時計を見ていますか?


もしそうなら、あなたは一人ではありません。 不眠症は非常に一般的な問題であり、エネルギーを消耗し、気分や日中の機能に影響を及ぼします。 慢性的な不眠症は深刻な健康問題にさえつながる可能性があります。 しかし、あなたは眠れない夜に我慢したり、睡眠薬に頼ったりしていません。 私たちはあなたが不眠症のサイクルを断ち切るのを手伝うことができます。


MEEOM® MEE N3195-VIII. Ultrafine Oral Antiviral Precision Medicine, the Novel Sleep Management Cellular Nutrition Solution for a peaceful mind. No Prescription Only Medicine (POM), ISO 9001:2000 Certification, internationally-recognized quality management system (QMS) standard from SGS. Designed in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Made in Japan. 


MEEOM® MEE N3195-VIII。 睡眠管理細胞栄養。 口から摂取(経口)。  処方箋なしの医薬品(POM)、ISO 9001:2000認証、SGSの国際的に認められた品質管理システム(QMS)規格。ドイツのフランクフルト・アム・マインで設計された、責任を持ってお楽しみください。日本製。


[1] Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nature Human Behaviour. 
[2] Ina Djonlagic et al., (2021) Macro and micro sleep architecture and cognitive performance in older adults. Nature Human Behaviour. Doi:
[3] For better health, don’t sleep your age. Retrieved Feb. 22, 2021 from
[4] "World Sleep Day: Sleeplessness Costs the World More Than a Trillion Dollars a Year". News18. 2019-03-15. Retrieved 2021-03-19


MEE N3195-VIII, the Novel Oral Sleep Management

SKU: 364215376147639

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