We launched MEE N6995 VI II for kidney stones on March 25, 2021. Knowing the GeoBioMed mechanism, our innovative oral nutritional energy has successfully healed 2,139 members over the past year, avoiding the pain of surgery.
2021 年 3 月 25 日に腎臓結石用の MEE N6995 VI II を発売しました.メカニズムを知っている当社の革新的な経口栄養エネルギーは、過去 1 年間で 2,139 人のメンバーの治癒に成功し、手術の必要性を回避しました.痛み.
GeoBioMed — a new transdisciplinary approach that integrates the fields of geology, biology and medicine — reveals that kidney stones composed of calcium-rich minerals precipitate from a continuum of repeated events of crystallization, dissolution and recrystallization that result from the same fundamental natural processes that have governed billions of years of biomineralization on Earth. This contextual change in our understanding of renal stone formation opens fundamentally new avenues of human kidney stone investigation that include analyses of crystalline structure and stratigraphy, diagenetic phase transitions, and paragenetic sequences across broad length scales from hundreds of nanometres to centimetres (five Powers of 10). This paradigm shift has also enabled the development of a new kidney stone classification scheme according to thermodynamic energetics and crystalline architecture. Evidence suggests that ≥50% of the total volume of individual stones have undergone repeated in vivo dissolution and recrystallization. Amorphous calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite spherules coalesce to form planar concentric zoning and sector zones that indicate disequilibrium precipitation. In addition, calcium oxalate dihydrate and calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal aggregates exhibit high-frequency organic-matter-rich and mineral-rich nanolayering that is orders of magnitude higher than layering observed in analogous coral reef, Roman aqueduct, cave, deep subsurface and hot-spring deposits. This higher frequency nanolayering represents the unique microenvironment of the kidney in which potent crystallization promoters and inhibitors are working in opposition. These GeoBioMed insights identify previously unexplored strategies for development and testing of new clinical therapies for the prevention and treatment of kidney stones.
MEEOM's Clinically Significant Treatment Response
The MEEOM® approach is inclusive, effective and tailored to the needs of each individual. We do a rigorous assessment with each client at the beginning of treatment, to help us understand the person and the specific problems they want to address through treatment.
At MEEOM® Precision Medicine, we provide evidence-based treatment plans that are tailored to the particular needs of each patient.
Please send us hospital diagnosis and medical test results.
The German Precision Medicine research team of MEEOM® will decide whether to accept the new case within three working days according to the report.
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AKA "MEEOM® WorldWide Health Systems"
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