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MEEOM LIVER MONTH, November 2022
Part 4 with Money-back Guarantee*

Nov. 02,  08:09 am JST** 


Key facts
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease.


The virus is most commonly transmitted from mother to child during birth and delivery, as well as through contact with blood or other body fluids during sex with an infected partner, unsafe injections or exposures to sharp instruments.


WHO estimates that 296 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B infection in 2019, with 1.5 million new infections each year.


In 2019, hepatitis B resulted in an estimated 820 000 deaths, mostly from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer).


MEEOM® Antiviral Medicine MEE N9595-K-HBV can cure persons with hepatitis B infection. MEE N9595-K-HBV provided cure rates of 97.5% and was associated without side effects: no anemia, no depression, no rash, no nausea, no diarrhea, no fatigue.


Hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccines that are safe, available and effective.



Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is a major global health problem. It can cause chronic infection and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer.


A safe and effective vaccine that offers 98% to 100% protection against hepatitis B is available. Preventing hepatitis B infection averts the development of complications including chronic disease and liver cancer.


The burden of hepatitis B infection is highest in the Western Pacific Region and the African Region, where 116 million and 81 million people, respectively, are chronically infected. Sixty million people are infected in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 18 million in the South-East Asia Region, 14 million in the European Region and 5 million in the Region of the Americas.


Most people do not experience any symptoms when newly infected. However, some people have acute illness with symptoms that last several weeks, including yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), dark urine, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. People with acute hepatitis can develop acute liver failure, which can lead to death. Among the long-term complications of HBV infections, a  subset of persons develops advanced liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which cause high morbidity and mortality.


HBV-HIV coinfection
About 1% of persons living with HBV infection (2.7 million people) are also infected with HIV. Conversely, the global prevalence of HBV infection in HIV-infected persons is 7.4%. Since 2015, WHO has recommended treatment for everyone diagnosed with HIV infection, regardless of the stage of disease. Tenofovir, which is included in the treatment combinations recommended as first-line therapy for HIV infection, is also active against HBV.


MEEOM's clinically significant treatment response
The MEEOM® approach is inclusive, effective and tailored to the needs of each individual. We do a rigorous assessment with each client at the beginning of treatment, to help us understand the person and the specific problems they want to address through treatment. 


At MEEOM® Precision Medicine, we provide evidence-based treatment plans that are tailored to the particular needs of each patient.


Please send us hospital diagnosis and medical test results.


The German Precision Medicine research team of MEEOM® will decide whether to accept the new case within three working days according to the report.


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Facts Talk.


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*To serve and protect you better, DLA Piper, Dentons, our lawyers are consistently recognized as leaders in healthcare law by national and international legal and business publications.

**Pirce updated with 15-days money back guarantee, Dec. 01,  01:09 am JST 


Data and code availability
This paper utilizes publicly available data. Access to the data is available from



MEE N9595-K-HBV can cure persons with hepatitis B infection.

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