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MEE N9595-XLE heals SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
MEE N9595-XLE は全身性エリテマトーデス、SLE を治癒します


The heterogeneity of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), long recognised by clinicians, is now challenging the entire lupus community, from geneticists to clinical investigators. Although the outlook for patients with SLE has greatly improved, many unmet needs remain, chief of which is the development of safer and more efficacious therapies. 


SLE is characterised by an activation of the interferon (IFN) system, which leads to an increased expression of IFN-regulated genes. The reasons behind the IFN signature in SLE are (1) the existence of endogenous IFN inducers, (2) activation of several IFN-producing cell types, (3) production of many different IFNs, (4) a genetic setup promoting IFN production and (5) deficient negative feedback mechanisms. The consequences for the immune system is a continuous stimulation to an immune response, and for the patient a number of different organ manifestations leading to typical symptoms for SLE. 


The IFN system is our most fundamental defence system against infections, but in patients with SLE, there is an ongoing production of IFN that sustains an autoimmune process. The complexity of the IFN system, together with the many clinical features of SLE, has made it difficult to target the proper molecules in single patients. However, during the last years, Meeom's innovative therapy is dramatic increase in the understanding of the IFN system and its role in SLE. Although this information has added more elements to consider in our clinical decision process, we are now closer than ever to unlock the mystery of how to target the IFN pathway in SLE for the ultimate goal of safely reducing disease activity and preventing damage accrual and death. 


MEEOM's Clinically Significant Treatment Response
The MEEOM® approach is inclusive, effective and tailored to the needs of each individual. We do a rigorous assessment with each client at the beginning of treatment, to help us understand the person and the specific problems they want to address through treatment. 


At MEEOM® Precision Medicine, we provide evidence-based treatment plans that are tailored to the particular needs of each patient.


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The German Precision Medicine research team of MEEOM® will decide whether to accept the new case within three working days according to the report.


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Facts Talk.


Copyright© 1999-2023 MEEOM® Precision Medicine
AKA "MEEOM® WorldWide Health Systems"
All U.S. and international rights reserved.


1. Sacks, J.J., et al. (2002). Trends in deaths from systemic lupus erythematosus—United States, 1979–1998. MMWR;51(17):371–374.
2. Rönnblom, L., Leonard, D., Interferon pathway in SLE: one key to unlocking the mystery of the disease, lupus sci&med, 2019.
3. Zeller, C.B., Appenzeller, S. (2008). Cardiovascular Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The Role of Traditional and Lupus Related Risk Factors. Curr Cardiol Rev.; 4(2): 116-122.
4. Lee-Kirsch MA. The type I interferonopathies. Annu Rev Med, 2017
5. Biron CA, Nguyen KB, Pien GC, et al. Natural killer cells in antiviral defense: function and regulation by innate cytokines. Annu Rev Immunol 1999.
6. Der E, Suryawanshi H, Morozov P, et al. Tubular cell and keratinocyte single-cell transcriptomics applied to lupus nephritis reveal type I IFN and fibrosis relevant pathways. Nat Immunol, 2019.
7. Wenzel J, Wörenkämper E, Freutel S, et al. Enhanced type I interferon signalling promotes Th1-biased inflammation in cutaneous lupus erythematosus. J Pathol 2005


MEE N9595-XLE heals systemic lupus erythematosus は全身性エリテマトーデス、SLE を治癒します

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