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What do you want in 2025?

Mindfulness + Joy



What is Idealism?

Born as a human being, all actions originate from the human spirit, which is Idealism. If I don't do this, my heart will hurt. I do it purely because I LOVE it. Everything depends on your own cognitive dimension. You have extraordinary potential. Shambhala Joy V7 will unlock it…

Shambhala Joy V7 is not only just for fun, but bring out the best deeply in you. Create the possible.


Shambhala Joy+ has been improving 31.72% of our 22 million members' cognitive functions like memory recall, problem solving, and concentration since 2021.10.12.


Shambhala Joy V7 is the best a lady and a man can get.


2023.01.11 was officially the First International Shambhala Joy Day.


You have been supportive. I can’t thank you enough for that. I’m again excited. We’re going to have a great time in 2025.


You are wonderful, thank you!


In LOVE we trust, keep glowing…


Ultra-fine cellular nutrition for wonderful ladies and gentlemen. No Prescription Only Medicine (POM), ISO 9001:2000 Certification, Internationally-Recognized Quality Management System (QMS) Standard from SGS. This is half of the Max order, Enjoy Responsibly. Designed in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Made in Japan.


素敵な紳士淑女のためのウルトラファイン セルラー ニュートリション。処方箋医薬品なし(POM)、ISO 9001:2000認証、SGSの国際的に認められた品質管理システム(QMS)規格。これは最大注文の半分です。責任を持って楽しんでください。ドイツのフランクフルト・アム・マインでデザインされました。日本製。


より健康に、より裕福に、より幸せに。Healthier, Wealthier & Happier, MEEOM®.

Yours truly,


Lisa Lee


MEEOM® WorldWide Health Systems

MEEOM® Precision Medicine

MEEOM® プレシジョンメディシン

3-1-1 Kyobashi

Chuo-ku Tokyo




300% POWER UP.

300% パワーアップ。


Copyright© 1999-2025 MEEOM® Precision Medicine AKA "MEEOM® WorldWide Health Systems"


All U.S. and international rights reserved.



    MEEOM® WorldWide Health Systems

    8 Taunusanlaga

    Frankfurt, HE 60329

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    We contact with you by an encrypted email and/or

    Copyright© 1999-2025 MEEOM® Precision Medicine. 

    AKA "MEEOM® WorldWide Health Systems"


    All U.S. and international rights reserved.

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